Friday, April 27, 2007


Sent a poem to Poesia magazine and got rejected but will send it out again. Got to. Persistence matters more than anything else or you never get published. Got to keep on trying. Need to find a good journal to send it to. I wonder if it would be worth it to send it to the New Yorker? Might just have to check out its submission requirements. Wish me luck, all.

Sunday, April 15, 2007

NINE months without Battlestar Gallactica?

OK, so I am not sure I can handle not seeing that show for that long. Thank God I have most of the third season on tape and all of the first two seasons on DVD. It is that bad. I feel like a druggie who needs a fix. It just isn't fair. How can they go that long without anything new? The whole third season will be re-played, I am sure, and out on DVD as well, but no new episodes? This is beyond cruel but will make us come back for that 4th season. Wo.

Kurt Vonnegut Dead

While Kurt Vonnegut didn't necessarily think of himself as a science fiction writer, a lot of people did. While I am still reading Slaughterhouse Five and am not yet sure myself, he sure did write a lot of books that people either adored or hated. I think he left his mark on popular fiction, science fiction or not, and he will be missed.

Monday, April 02, 2007

Kara Thrace a Cylon?

OK, so that suprise ending season finale left me with two choices--either Kara Thrace is a cylon or she was saved by them. To say to Lee Adama that she had been to Earth and would show them the way was just mind boggling and a great way to end the season but to be stuck with re-runs for the next nine months or so really stinks. So, I am thinking that she is a cylon. I think it must be the case since they went with four other, or at least three, who think they are cylons. Tigh, Anders, Tyrol and the President's assistant are now believed to be cylons and that would leave one more--Starbuck!!!!