Wednesday, November 14, 2007


I am turning in my sabbatical material tomorrow. Wish me luck. I hope that it will be enough to get a semester off after 21 years of teaching, 12 of them at NWACC. I need the time to write and with two kids and a very time-consuming job, I am just not getting the time to write. It occurs to me that the members of the committee who decide on the sabbaticals just might read this so if you do, please post a comment. Thanks.


Wednesday, October 17, 2007

...a long time

OK, so it had been eight months since my last blog but who is counting? If you are, then the heck with ya...just kidding, maybe. I have to say that the last eight months have flown by. Too much to do in too little time. I can say that in that time I have found out that Battlestar Gallactica will enter its FINAL season in January of 2008 and that stinks. One of the best shows on TV kicked from Friday to Sunday nights and then off the air. The writers say that it is time and that they always had an end in mind but that sounds political to me and their careers are better off if they say that than simply screaming about the stupid big-wigs who are in charge of what shows live and which shows die. I have to say that I am looking forward to Razor, the two-hour prequel that will be shown in November. I bet it will be good. At least I will always have the DVD's to watch!!!

All for now...please sign in and comment.

Friday, April 27, 2007


Sent a poem to Poesia magazine and got rejected but will send it out again. Got to. Persistence matters more than anything else or you never get published. Got to keep on trying. Need to find a good journal to send it to. I wonder if it would be worth it to send it to the New Yorker? Might just have to check out its submission requirements. Wish me luck, all.

Sunday, April 15, 2007

NINE months without Battlestar Gallactica?

OK, so I am not sure I can handle not seeing that show for that long. Thank God I have most of the third season on tape and all of the first two seasons on DVD. It is that bad. I feel like a druggie who needs a fix. It just isn't fair. How can they go that long without anything new? The whole third season will be re-played, I am sure, and out on DVD as well, but no new episodes? This is beyond cruel but will make us come back for that 4th season. Wo.

Kurt Vonnegut Dead

While Kurt Vonnegut didn't necessarily think of himself as a science fiction writer, a lot of people did. While I am still reading Slaughterhouse Five and am not yet sure myself, he sure did write a lot of books that people either adored or hated. I think he left his mark on popular fiction, science fiction or not, and he will be missed.

Monday, April 02, 2007

Kara Thrace a Cylon?

OK, so that suprise ending season finale left me with two choices--either Kara Thrace is a cylon or she was saved by them. To say to Lee Adama that she had been to Earth and would show them the way was just mind boggling and a great way to end the season but to be stuck with re-runs for the next nine months or so really stinks. So, I am thinking that she is a cylon. I think it must be the case since they went with four other, or at least three, who think they are cylons. Tigh, Anders, Tyrol and the President's assistant are now believed to be cylons and that would leave one more--Starbuck!!!!

Friday, March 23, 2007

The Multi-verse Theory

So a new theory has arisen that there is more than one universe, in fact a universe of universes. I need to do more research here but I am wondering what that means for us. If worm holes and black holes and other phenomena are just portals to these other universes, then maybe we don't really die. Maybe what seems to be getting crushed to smaller than your average quark means that we get to transport to another universe. I am wondering what others think about this?

Tuesday, March 13, 2007


OK, so I know that Kara Thrace has to come back somehow but will she be one of the five we have never met? Why else did the Cylons know so much about her and want to keep her around. The light at the end suggested she was taken in as she surrendered to "death," but I am thinking she just joined them and will wake up in some ship in one of those lighted bathtubs. Wonder if anyone else reads this what s/he thinks....

Tuesday, March 06, 2007

Kara Thrace dead?

So I am so not believing that Kara Thrace is dead. I just can't believe it. She may not be my favorite character at times but she is so integral to the series and has been lost and thought dead before that I just don't believe that she is really gone. It can't be true. I will have to check other blogs and such to see if it is true. I just can't get it through my head. Say it ain't so, Joe...

Saturday, March 03, 2007

Too long

Been too long since my last post...need to keep writing. And now I have a chance at a sabbatical where I would just write for one whole semester and get paid for it. I hope I get it. Having that time off would be awesome but for the first time since graduate school, I would be able to work just on my writing with no papers to grade or anything else to interfere since the boys would be at school and my wife would be at work. It is almost frightening to comprehend. Got to work on that proposal and find out more about the Multiverse theory as well.

more later, as always

Wednesday, February 07, 2007

...the more

So I am thinking that these people with the implanted chips would be called Chippies and they would have all the same knowledge at their fingertips and even be able to jack into the net as all the cyberpunk stuff likes to say but what would make this new or interesting? What would sell the story to an editor? I like the idea of the Chippies being in charge or different or bossy over the "non-Chippies"--got to have a better name there. Can't use Augments--Star Trek did that already. I am wondering if anyone reads this and if s/he might want to contribute a name?

Monday, January 29, 2007

Writing Fiction

So I have this new idea about a story where the man-machine conflict is resolved since in effect every man is also part machine, not in the cyborg fashion but in the sense that every human brain is augmented by a chip that does what computers do so well. No one has any problem remembering or doing math or anything like that any more. We all have storage in our heads and the chips can be replaced at any time. In fact, in the future the world has gotten so complicated that we need the chips just to function.

More later....