Sunday, June 07, 2009

Spook Country, by William Gibson

I realize that I never posted anything about this great book. It has been a while since I read it but it left some definite impressions. For one, the idea that stuff is kept in shipping containers, hidden and moved around yet almost untraceable, that only a few people know about, is pretty scary. I read on Gibson's that he does research as he goes in order to keep his work current and beyond what anyone has already written, which makes it hard for him to pitch a book. This idea, coupled with some obscure groups of people, rather like the mafia and spies, working beneath the world we all live in, makes the idea of daily life almost frightening. It is as if all these different forms of culture exist at the same time and yet never interact with each other. You just have to read the book for yourself. I might have to re-read it just as I did with his first book, Neuromancer, just to understand more of it myself. I often find that the first reading of any of Gibson's work is an experience. The thought and intellectual activity only happens after a second reading.

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